Guiminer scrypt

Started new project for Script-N . DONATE (LTC): LiK1rotC2tNYNRbRfW2xsKLYJvKhQ3PwTN. The program is a frontend for reaper and cgminer and is intended to simplify things for n. Downloading GUI Miner Scrypt. Many other Litecoin miners such as Reaper and Cgminer . Hiya guys, anyone figured out what numbers to fill in the boxes to get these running?

Step : Look for a pool. You will unlikely be able to “discover” one of the . GUIMiner – scrypt alpha 0. The official site is giving me an error code when I try to download it. Can anyone please upload it for me? All other links I have found have viruses embedded lol. It is a pool miner that mines via LitecoinPool.

LTC is kept in your LitecoinPool. Forgot to cross post this.

I tried to set it up but it seems to be mining regular scrypt. Here are some screenshots to kick it off. Note that guidminer-scrypt gets very different with the same settings, I find it harder to get good hashrates with guiminer – scrypt. If everything is running . Currently I advice you to use cgminer as guiminer – scrypt is still very unstable. Cgminer is command line software and a bit harder to set up but if you follow this guide it should be no problem as we also create shortcuts on your desktop to start the mining.

Wykop jest miejscem, gdzie gromadzimy najciekawsze informacje z Sieci: newsy, artykuły, linki. O treści serwisu decydują tylko i wyłącznie nasi użytkownicy, dodając newsy, komentując i głosując na nie. Litecoin provides faster transaction confirmations ( minutes on average) and uses a memory-har scrypt -based mining proof-of-work algorithm to target the regular.

Als ich geguckt habe nach thread-concurrency, kam ich auf unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Könnt ihr mir weiter helfen? Descarga Guiminer – scrypt alpha, desde este enlace.

Descomprimelo en una carpeta, según el antivirus, puede pensar que se trata de un troyano, hay que desactivar el escudo temporalmente mientras descomprime los archivos. Una vez instalado, nos encontramos con una . But it seems that sometimes Chrome marked as malicious something which is not. The installation procedure is the same as in the case of GUIminer for Bitcoin.

Please refer to Bitcoin Basics and Ubuntu 12. You can download it here, . Kyseinen guiminer-scrypt_win32_binaries_v0.

En tiedä onko virustorjunta oikeassa vaiko ei mutta ajattelin ilmoittaa tänne . Now this is the easiest software to use. This is the original website to download the program.