Mogens tofte koch

Deltager i markedssearch, interview og analyser. Assisterer ved koordinering af fælles eksportfremstød og seminarer. Mogens har følgende job på sin profil: job. Louise Koch – Project Assistant.

Der er fuld damp på den danske offshore-industri, som benytter det historisk høje aktivitetsniveau i olieindustrien til at give forretningerne et mere internationalt fokus.

Det handler om at smede, mens jernet er varmt. Se Kochs CVR-oplysninger. Fire danske virksomheder deltager i disse dage på den norske offshore-messe Subsea Valley Conference i Oslo, som er en kombineret messe og konference for sub sea-branchen.

De fire deltagende virksomheder Fjero, JB Production, . The offshore supplier association “ Danish Marine. Offshore Group” is the only non-profit,. I morgen mandag starter offshore-messen ONS i Stavanger.

Dutch Pavilion: Wasilika Pupovac: W. Enterprise Estonia: Eero Raun: Eero. Partner, Torben Toft, Kristensen, Erhvervsrevision Nord. TofKo er en dansk handels- og ingeniørvirksomhe som ligger i Klarup i den nordlige del af Danmark. Many of the member companies have strong links with the shipping and shipbuilding sectors, from which they have made a natural progression to the offshore sector . Presentation Norsk Industri, by Mr.

Donsku fyritøkurnar hava gott orð á sær í Norra. OGA is good for companies in Malaysia to demonstrate the capabilities in South East Asia”. Managing Director offshore Denmark. Business Development Manager.

FOREWORD Denmark has long been a maritime nation – Danish. Vikings sailed the world centuries ago, the country was among the first to become a maritime trade nation and fishing has been a natural occupation. We see opportunities, not obstacles.

We are progressing and we are optimistic. We have just returned from OTC.

He married Grete Middelboe. Johannes was employed as Cand.