When choosing flow meters , one should consider such intangible factors as familiarity of plant personnel, their experience with calibration and maintenance, spare parts availability, and mean time between . The turbine tends to have all the flow traveling around it. Universal Flow Monitors, Inc. Applications of special interest are circulating lubrication flui cooling water, industrial gas, corrosives and brine.
Yokogawa has been synonymous with Vortex flow meters since pioneering the industrial vortex flow meter nearly four decades ago.
Flow measurement applications are very diverse and each situation has its own constraints and engineering requirements. A flow meter is a device used to measure the flow rate or quantity of a gas or liquid moving through a pipe. Flow meters are referred to by many names, such as flow gauge, flow indicator, liquid meter, . Piusi range of flow meters (electronic, mechanical and pulser) includes models designed for the most demanding situations: we have high flow-rate flow meters and pulser flow meters which read the flow rate of the liquid and display the on remote screens. Find Seametrics flow meter products for a wide range of uses in industrial, municipal, and irrigation.
Introduces how to select a flow meter. Flow Knowledge is a website that contains a wealth of information on flow meters and flow sensors.
Teledyne Isco Flow Meters and Samplers. As one of the pioneering manufacturers in variable area (VA) flow meter ( rotameter) technology, Brooks Instrument has created a diverse and proven portfolio of gas flow meters , installed and in use across virtually every industry. From inline to low volume flow meters Brooks offers high-performance gas and water flow . The most common device is the spinner flowmeter , but torque flowmeters and crosscorrelation flowmeters also are used. Spinner and torque flowmeters.
Atlas Scientific has a wide range of flow meters , filters, push to connect tubing and other accessories that will get your project “flowing” in no time. Sage is the innovative manufacturer of the Prime thermal mass and natural gas flow meter for use in environmental and industrial applications. FCI Gas Mass Flow Meters FCI designs, manufactures and sells a broad line of thermal mass flow meters for air and gas flow measurement. Thermal mass flow meter technology utilizes the relationship between flow rate and cooling effect for direct measurement of mass flow.
With no moving parts and minimal invasiveness, . PendoTECH flowmeters and monitors are designed to deliver highly accurate flow measurements for bioprocessing applications. Different applications require different flow measurement technologies and features. Coriolis technology offers the highest level of accuracy and the measurement principle is not impacted by . Visit our website to view the entire list of Flow meter available for sale in USA by Anderson-Negele.
Choose high-accuracy flow meters and controllers for nearly every gas, liquid or steam application. Free, lifetime engineering support.
Is the ultimate solution for flow measurement and management in sectors as diverse as water, waste water, sewage and effluent. Our non-intrusive SONARtrac flow meters provide the ultimate solution for your flow measurement needs with no maintenance necessary.