In heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, the term heat pump usually refers to vapor-compression refrigeration devices optimized for high efficiency in both directions of thermal energy transfer. These heat pumps can be reversible, and work in either direction to provide heating or cooling to the internal . Like your refrigerator, heat pumps use electricity to move heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer. During the heating season, . Answer by Dale Blundell (Atkins). An Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) will typically produce around 3kW thermal energy for every 1kW of electrical energy consume giving an effective “ efficiency ” of 3. It is thermodynamically impossible to have an efficiency of more than 1, as this implies that more . A heat pump operates most efficiently when the temperature gap between the heat source and the heat demand is minimised.
The efficiency of a heat pump is given by the Coefficient Of Performance (COP). At a COP of it will give units of heat energy for each unit of electricity used. The COP will vary as the source . Heat pumps are a very efficient technology and now with the availability of ductless heat pumps , almost any homeowner can take advantage of them. A heat pump is subject to the same limitations from the second law of thermodynamics as any other heat engine and therefore a maximum efficiency can be calculated from the. You pay the gas company for how many therms you use and the electic utility for kilowatt-hours.
Efficiency of a refrigeration system and heat pump is denoted as the coefficient of performance (COP). Futhermore the refrigerant use system controls and pheripherals are involved. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) have established an industry-managed energy efficiency rating system for furnaces, central air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps. The energy efficiency rating scale appears under the . Instea it finds heat in the outside air and .