Lurs can be straight or curved in various shapes. Arbeitsgemeinschsrl Schulmusik an den Hochschulen lur Musik , Musikhochschule Lübeck. Chairman- Prot Or Witlned ffiWte. Arbeitskreis der Muslkblldungsstorlen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschlan Lantiesakademie für die musikierende Jugend in Baden- WOttemberg.
Lur All rights reserved. The mouthpiece of the lur is permanently.
Status: Tillfälligt slut. By Simon Daniel Christensen. Paak)Mac Miller, Anderson. Klange fra Danmarks bronzealderlurer (Music blown on lurs from the Danish Bonze Age).
Performed by Palmer Traulsen and G. Notes by Thorkild Ramskou (in Danish and English) pp. This term has also been used to describe wooden prehistoric Nordic brass trumpet. He had become, in the indisputable formulation of Richard Taruskin, “one of the most interesting .
At one end of the tube there is a mouthpiece and at the other an ornamental plate. A lur is cast in bronze. The ornamental plate is often decorated with between six and ten round depressions – eight is the usual number.
Some lurs have small rattling-plates at the mouthpiece or the ornamental plate, and some have a . En resa i ljudens värld. En workshop som vänder sig till alla som vill upptäcka ett lekfullt och inspirerande sätt att skapa musik. Tillsammans ger sig deltagarna ut på en ljudresa i klassrummet där . The BBC artist page for Noa Lur.
From shady landscapes of electronic junk and home made toys, LUR has risen to bring disobedience and dance. In the wait for the nothingness to come, bringing longing melodies over a deep pulse dedicated the stubborn beats of the heart. You are welcome to an unordinary music ritual, by old friends to new friends, . The musicians and composers Erik Rask and Mika Forsling are now working with our artistic director Miguel Azcue and the dancers in Havana, to compose music for our next place specific dance piece “Crisálida”! A long natural blowing horn without finger holes, played by embouchure.
I väntan på ingentinget hörs längtande melodier över en djup puls tillägnad hjärtats ihärdiga slag. A pair of bronze figurines made by mid-20th-century sculptor Edward Aagaard – two Viking warriors, each playing a lur – a bronze age horn found mainly in northern Europe, primarily in bogs in Denmark. Apparently they were always made in pairs at the same pitch, and in a .