Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a spectroscopic method that uses the near- infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum Typical applications include medical and physiological diagnostics and research including blood sugar, pulse oximetry, functional neuroimaging, sports medicine, elite sports training, ergonomics . For instant, accurate, repeatable online or offline measurements of moisture, coating thickness, nicotine or oil, the series of NIR sensors from MoistTech cannot be beaten. These sensors are made for non-contact, non-destructive measurements of the greatest accuracy. Use an NIR sensor in the lab or on the factory floor or . For more than years, MoistTech has been producing quality sensors for measuring moisture.
We have recently developed a line of near infrared ( NIR ) sensors that are the most accurate and reliable available. We offer you a high quality selection of non-contact infrared measurement devices that are designed to provide . It uses advanced diode array technology to measure accurately even as recipes, ingredients or process conditions change. Introduction NIR process sensors have been used. These viewing cards contain a phosphor-coated sensor area that emits clearly visible light when illuminated by NIR sources. This allows for the easy location of near-infrared beams and their focal point, even in the dark, and the visualization of spatial mode patterns.
Series 5: high speed NIR -sensitive photodiodes.
These high-speed epitaxial photodiodes are ideal for VIS and NIR applications with low operating voltages. Photodiodes with epitaxial layer structure for fast rise times at low reverse voltages. Epitaxial layer thickness optimized for highest speed and . Image Sensor for Industry Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation Technology NIR. Its unique features bring a new perspective to optical spectroscopy.
A online NIR sensor for the pilot-scale extraction process in Fructus aurantii coupled with single and ensemble methods. Pan X(1), Li Y(2), Wu Z(3), Zhang Q(4), Zheng Z(), Shi X(6), Qiao Y(7). Author information: (1)College of Chinese Medicine, . Optical linear array for fuel quality sensing and for steering and road condition monitoring applications through Near InfraRed ( NIR ) spectroscopy. The reflected NIR part is detected by the NIR – sensor and transferred to the diode array via an optical fiber. Transmission principle: At the transmission principle the white halogen light streams through the product.
This only works, if the product is made of transparent material. The halogen light is received by the NIR – sensor. Sentera drone sensors deliver unrivaled performance and consistently beat competitors in price, quality and function.
Our sensors produce high-quality, context-rich color and near-infrared ( NIR ) image data to deliver unsurpassed NDVI data to growers.
Our state-of-the-art design and deep base of field experience enable us . But how do you know which data is best to use? In this post, we will compare RGB and NIR imagery and explain which we prefer to help you keep your fields healthy and improve yields. To help you select the best devices, we offer a wide product lineup that covers a broad spectral range from the near infrared ( NIR ) . Selectable Languages: German, English.
The GTV NIR (Near Infra Red) Sensor is most precive online partcile diagnistic system at this time. It can be universal applied to all thermal spray process. Using the GTV NIR Sensor real velocity as well as temperatures of single spray partciles can be measured .