Spindle or The Spindles may refer to: Contents. SPINDLE はブロックチェーンとスマートコントラクト技術を用いた改竄不可能な透明性の高い情報をもった投資・運用のプラットフォーム. The proprietary, integrated marketing and . First-class spindle technology: GMN offers high-quality spindles and customized spindle systems for nearly all areas of application.
Define spindle : a round stick with tapered ends used to form and twist the yarn in hand spinning.
Definition of spindle – a slender rounded rod with tapered ends used in hand spinning to twist and wind thread from a mass of wool or flax held on a dista. Commonly found in woodland and hedgerows, learn to identify this tree, its uses and wildlife it supports. Synonyms for spindle at Thesaurus. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
What started out with one man crazy enough to think that calling over the internet would have a future, is now an ever-growing company with developers, engineers, designers and marketeers who work side-by-side on beautiful products. Specialist in the development and manufacturing of high-precision motor spindle units. Dynomax provides a rare domestic source for precision spindles unmatched in both quality and performance.
Having shipped thousands of spindles to. More and more we hear the word “systems” used in discussions of business problems. Research people are studying systems, experts are looking at organizations as systems, and a growing number of departments and companies have the word “systems” in their names. Just what is a system in the business sense?
Setco is a leader in the design, manufacture and service of high performance precision spindles , slides, and milling heads. Commuter Cycling Clothing retailer specializing in gear testing, custom bags and American made goods and accessories. Many translated example sentences containing spindle – Russian-English dictionary and search engine for Russian translations. The most powerful stories encompass a paradox.
The Storyteller Queen lives, and her name is E. Rachel Hartman, New York Times best-selling . Tabby said: Received froEntangled: TeenReceived Via: NetGalley. THE REVIEWWhy this book? Our popular well-balanced top-whorl drop spindles are designed to give the longest possible spin. A spindle is a shaft that holds rotating hard disk drive (HDD) platters in place.
The term is also often used to refer to a single HDD. Another stick must be added to complete the spindle.
Grid layout Arrow (small). The Lenz Featuring Gorillaz. The array of microtubules and associated molecules that forms between opposite poles of a eukaryotic cell during mitosis or meiosis and serves to move the duplicated chromosomes apart. A Unique Gym Experience.
A doorknob of whatever roundish shape is effectively a continuum of levers, with the axis of the latching mechanism—known as the spindle —being the fulcrum about which the turning takes place. MALÉFIQUE : Touche le fuseau… TOUCHE-LE, TE DIS-JE ! Our definition of spindle error motion deserves some discussion of the errorsources. Wenotethatachievinggoodspindleperformancerequires more than just a good spindle.