I bought a cheap USB Endoscope camera on eBay to use as a borescope to look at the piston in my. Free delivery on eligible orders. It has built-in LED light (with Brightness Control) on camera head to illuminate the inspection area. The flexible camera is waterproof with 10mm diameter so that you can inspect area under water, gaps and holes.
The USB Cable length is 5m.
With a soft CD to record a video. This inspection camera has many applications . Android endoscope is a new type of electronic products. FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.
Wide visual view angle: 60° Led switch : Adjustable lightness switch. Focal Distance: 3CM-infinate. Once you know, you Newegg!
This easy to use camera connects directly to the computer or laptop via a USB port and takes its power from the same.
There are adjustable ultra bright LED lights to aid inspection of dark areas. Data capture facility for still images or video. The 6mm camera is small enough to be placed into very narrow holes or gaps.
Camera gousing diameter: 5. Buy the latest endoscope inspection camera usb GearBest. Motor vehicle detector, sewer pipeline detector, search and rescue, criminal and custom detector, archaeological detect. Ideal for intraoral camera system, underwater camera , . Description: Brand new and high quality. Plug and play without driver installation.
Used to check and watch internal situation. Build-in white LED lights. Details from the user manual. Waterproof USB wire CAM inspection camera 0. HD 720P LED switch Adjustable lightness switch.
The outer diameter of the Endoscope camera is only 10mm. Prices for endoscope inspection camera.
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