
Application of a dedicated digital modules collection technology and the temperature and humidity . It is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the . Operating specifications: (1) Power and Pins. One capacitor valued 100nF can be added between VDD and GND .

In my case I chose the serial monitor version because is faster and cheaper, but you may want to look at other articles, including this one, if you. Comparison of the packaging of the various devices. The devices on the lower row are all shown mounted on third party break-out . Its fairly simple to use, but . Humidity range:0-1RH.

Relative humidity and temperature measurement. Temperature range:-40~80℃. They use a proprietary wire protocol so a custom driver is needed.

From my perspective these sensors are the same. The DHTon the other hand is a little cheaper but only intended for indoor use. Dht and series doesnt require one 🙂 PS: Just saw the post. Brief: Supply voltage : DC 3. I have and now it returns a correct value almost all the time. I am trying to get the incoming raw string first, and then I will try to figure out how to split it.

Thus far I have been unable to get . You will need: Raspberry Pi with internet connection. Please check my tutorial about getting Blynk and Node. Digital sensor with I2C bus output. VD 2=SDA, 3=GN 4=SCL.

You should use pull-up resistors for the Data, SDA and SCL pins. This disables the I2C interface. No additional components 10. OW_Read () does not work.

I keep getting the error message Failed to get reading.

Has anyone tried this unit already? Will this work as a direct replacement in the humidity sketch for a DHT22? Free delivery and returns on eligible orders.

Datasheet says about 5K resistor but both of them works just fine.