
GSElevator on Twitter: If. Things heard in the Goldman Sachs elevators do not stay in the Goldman Sachs elevators. A compilation of the most offensive, hilarious and incredibly funny jokes from Goldman Sachs Elevator ( gselevator ) on the life of investment bankers. Now that my book is available for pre-order, I wanted to quietly make a few things clear….

First of all, the issue of my anonymity was simply a device, and one that has suited the construct of the Twitter feed. Not intended to be taken literally, the feed also posts submissions, gossip, rumors, and the inane, insane, over-the-top things that bankers say and do.

The blog is an extension of the . An anonymous Goldman Sachs insider shares the hilarious conversations overheard in the GS elevator. Warning: reading this could induce some vicarious shame. The Twitter account, which has an audience of more than 600followers, has been the subject of an . Its author had been remaining anonymous for a long time, claiming he published conversations overheard in the elevators of Goldman Sachs investment bank. This account has gathered more than . True tales of deviance, debauchery and billion dollar deals,”?

Not just any kind of socks.

The account purported to recount snippets overheard in the Goldman Sachs investment banking division, and accumulated considerable followers and press coverage . Tony Mulder aka gselevator , 2 Male, Australia, Standard Account. A few years ago, I wrote a story about a nightmarish trip on a private plane I had . The first few were either conversations that I have overheard . Find and follow posts tagged gselevator on Tumblr. Meine Analystenklasse bestand hauptsächlich aus weißen Typen aus gutem Hause, schreibt John LeFevre. Während andere Kids in ihren Vorstellungsgesprächen mit Kurven, Laufzeiten und der Frage gegrillt wurden, wie viele Golfbälle.

See more ideas about Hilarious quotes, Humorous quotes and Jokes quotes. Andere lachen bloß über die „Breaking-News-Enthüllung“ der New. Now, riding on the outrage- inducing coattails of Wolf of Wall Street, the purveyor of classist, . On a side note, the tweeter claims that if . Twitter is a superb avenue for the rapid spread of information. It may be an even better avenue for the spread of disinformation. Some chick asked me what I would do with million bucks.

Dort wurden in den vergangenen Jahren Sprüche veröffentlicht, die angeblich von Mitarbeitern der US-Bank Goldman Sachs stammten. Nun hat die New York Times den Schreiber enttarnt – er hat nie für das Geldhaus gearbeitet. This Twitter account is based on “things you may have overheard in a Goldman Sachs elevator” that takes stabs at the Wall Street culture in the most entertaining way possible.

I worked at another investment bank, and I really doubt it.

No one is going to say anything remotely controversial in an elevator since you never know who is listening. Elevator conversations invariably consist of rather banal topics like the. The tell-all finance book is dead!

Long live the tell-all finance book.