Maskinen findes i tre udgaver: LTE 2S. Alle tre udgaver er beregnet for svejsning med be- klædte elektroder og er udstyret med HOTSTART og. ARC-POWER og kan udstyres med fjernreguleringer af mange forskellige typer. LTE 2LIFTIG og HFTIG er tillige beregnet for TIG – svejsning.
FOCUS TIG 1DC HP PFC. A, DC TIG welding machine with high- frequency ignition and MMA welding facility for welding in common steels and stainless steels.
Fitting and repair jobs and jobs in the light industry for common and . Migatronic LTE 2DC Tig Welding Machine. Please Note: This lot is located in Knowsley and will be loaded free of charge to a suitable vehicle. Need help with Finance, Transport, Removal or Installation for any of these items?
Radość zakupów i 1 bezpieczeństwa dla każdej transakcji! The LTE 2is a 2amp, DC TIG welding machine with high frequency ignition and MMA welding. The LTE 2has high frequency settings as well as lift TIG functions, it has an industrial top end duty.
Manuals for migatronic lte 1to download 200. Brugt migatronic lte 2lehf tig anlæg – 2amp.