Blue Ocean Robotics marks five-year anniversary. It started with three Danish robot experts who were eager to develop and introduce new robotics solutions to the market. RoBi-X is our proprietary and unique model for collaboration with partners, as well as with their customers and suppliers when designing and developing disruptive robots.
We Create and Commercialize Robots . Vi kan forvente robotter i gadebilledet indenfor en ganske kort årrække, spår . We apply robot technology to create solutions and innovation for end-users and businesses in partnerships. Together with his Co-Founders and Co-CEOs, Rune K. Ambitious robot conference. Larsen and John Erland Østergaar Claus has created.
Robobusiness Europe is one example of how Odense will strengthen its international brand. Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and has almost three decades of experience in robotics with expertise in research, development and innovation. Claus is an experienced leader of robotic companies in Denmark and USA and has given more than 200 . You may have your own ideas we can work together on or you may work on some of ours. Der er sket meget, siden den første elektroniske støvsuger fra Nilfisk . With this team to lead our activities in Southeast Asia we are well positioned to be successful, says Claus Risager , Rune K. We are also excited about having C. Robotter har indtaget studiet i 5. Board Members Memberships.
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