Som blandt andet BådNyts test viser, så er der selv efter år ikke det mindste tegn på ælde i lakken. Kun et minimalt tab af glans. Så kan du læne dig tilbage og nyde det . The test result according to Classic Boat: “Totally intact on surface and all four edges.
Impressive clarity and gloss remains. The product appears to have suffered no deterioration since .
Nach Herstellerangaben verarbeitet nicht zu empfehlen. Coelan Bootsbeschichtung im Test bei Yacht auf Testberichte. This is where press releases on COELAN Boat Coating are, including information on write-ups and test reports. This is from the short – term and long – term from tests that have been done by yacht and . Richard Hare guides us through, with some tips on usage. Longest-lasting exterior woodfinish: Coelan flexible polyurethane.
Most cost-effective exterior woodfinish: Sikkens Novatech – high solids exterior woodstain. Conclusions: Coelan wins overall – it withstood the .
For COELAN Reviews click here. What I would like to ask, is if anyone has multi-year experience of this product and can advise on long term maintenance, as it would be a very tough job to strip it all off and redo. COELAN Marine Coating is an absolute top product “Made in Germany” with the long-lasting durability. Similar to the ongoing Classic Boat Varnish Test, I have constructed many coating and varnish test pieces both in accordance and some completely contrary to various coating manufacturers application guides. For both coelan and gecoelan, see Gneuss, § 3 s. Domine et tempta me 25.
Applying Varnish for a Smooth, Reflective Finish on a Strip Built Boat – Duration: 4:39. This can have a significant bearing on the on-going cost of boat maintenance. Our products had the advantage over those in common use that very little was removed from each tin to coat the test pieces, thereby eliminating a large air void during the six-month period. Däremot verkar det funka (än så länge) med att slipa ner tills man har en plan yta, dvs nästan ända ner till träet.
Dock inte så djupt så att primern slipas bort. Vi gjorde ett test med att lacka ovanpå den nya, . Trebåt: Coelan holder tett! Ikke bare ble dekket vakkert, det ble også tett!
Vi har nå sett på et skøytedekk etter seks år! Tekst og foto: Jon Winge Colin Archer skøyta ”Nana” ble behandlet med . Three products added to lineup for a total of one-port test panels.
Coelan har to typer primer: transparent (lyse gul) og farven (rød farvet). Denne røde pigmenteret primer er specielt til mahogni og andre lysfølsomme træsorter for at beskytte mod misfarvning. En eller to gange (afhængig af træ absorption) primer.
Vedligeholdelse hvert 7-år.