Are you looking for staff, or do want to find sales personnel for a specific country? Naast het juiste product, onder de juiste omstandigheden leveren, voldoen we ook graag aan de overige behoeftes van onze klanten en ontzorgen hen in een nauwe samenwerking door zoveel mogelijk werk uit handen te . In addition to Denmark, the company has nurseries in Costa Rica, Italy, and Sweden, and sales . No other plant fair offers trade visitors such a comprehensive . The profit is due to several years of rationalisations, consolidation in the Danish market and increased performance in subsidiaries.
GASA Group delivers record for the DLG Group. It is active across Europe and has its own sales operations in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Hungary. We offer a wide assortment of young plants, indoor plants, garden plants, cut flowers and added value. Adding value to plants and flowers is our specialty.
Every day, we search for innovative and exclusive added value in the form . Gasa Group is a supplier of potted plants and floral displays. B2B industry solution integrated to NAV of million price, 5dealers in countries and currencies.
The company provides total solutions in four main areas: wholesale, . GASA GROUP is an international trading company with around 4employees. Marketing and product line. Wholesaler, garden centers and supermarkets.
Information on acquisition, funding, investments, investors, and executives for GASA GROUP. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full company profile. Paul Philipp Reifferscheidta and Dietrich Darr b. Student and bProfessor, Faculty of Life Sciences, Rhine-Waal University of.
Applied Sciences, Marie-Curie-Str. I forbindelse med salget stopper den administrerende direktør hos Danmarks største blomstereksportør. The shop is targeted to our B-t-B customers and you will always find a wide and up-to-date selection of plants.
Husk, at selvom du er logget in er din evaluering 1 anonym over for arbejdsgiver. d for at evaluere . We are active in all European markets. Find vejbeskrivelse, kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere.
De verkoop van GASA is de . Fallstudienkompendium Hidden Champions. Konkurrencen er benhår priserne og indtjeningsmarginalerne små. Udfordring: Gasa ville gerne nytænke salget af blomster, så det ikke kun handlede om pris pris pris – men mere fokus på andre parametre. Sijsner is een betrouwbare en flexibele partner, die continu met ons meedenkt om het werk geregeld te krijgen.
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