Shop with confidence on eBay! Horizontal and vertical line with a large fan angle to cover the whole working area – Rubber-coated housing and pendulum lock for higher robustness – Switched independent or simultaneous laser lines for horizontal and vertical alignment applications Transferring reference heights . Green line projectors for outdoor use! The tool has a self-leveling pendulum . The rubberized tool body protects laser aperture and tool edges . This green-beam laser will give you maximum visibility with sharp fine lines, making the next time.
Ați întâmpinat vreodată dificultăți pentru a vedea raza roșie a laserului dumneavoastră în lumină puternică sau pe distanţe lungi la interior? Nu doar dumneavoastră întâmpinați astfel de dificultăți: lumina verde este mai luminoasă decât alte culori. The PM – LG features two green laser lines to perform a multitude of . Zalio spindulio linijinis lazeris skirtas vertikalaus ir horizantalaus suvedimo darbams atlikti.
Pirktas naujas,tiek kad dokumentaj palikti uzsienyje, naudotas 3-men,geram stovi nesubraizytas,neduzes,veikia tikraj geraj. Pradine kaina 1galima pasidereti. Hilti PM 2-LG Pdf User Manuals.
Select the lines you need to get the job done quickly and accurately. Applications Leveling junction boxes, cable trays, radiators and pipe . Retrouvez tous les avis et tests comparatif Laser lignes HILTI PM 2-LG pas cher et au meilleur prix ainsi que ses caractéristiques techniques. Mint condition, not a mark on it. Suurim töökaugus: m (jooned), Laseri funktsioonid: JoondamineLoo Täpsus : ±mm juures m. Lazerio funkcinės galimybės: SulygintasGulsčiukas, Tikslumas: ±mm ties m. We help construction professionals be more productive with expert technical advice, innovative products and outstanding service.
IP protection class: IP (IEC 529). W zestawie: Laser liniowy PM 2-LG. Zastosowanie urządzenia: Przenoszenie wysokości odniesienia.
Fordelen med grønn laserstråle er at den er opptil ganger mer synlig for det menneskelige øyet, spesielt i skarpt lys og over lengre distanser. Sagt på en veldig enkel måte gjør den grønne strålen det . Each feature ample amounts of rubber overmold to protect them during a fall. Lazerniy urvin ishlatilgan holati yangi narxi ,mln.
That sounds like something from a comic book but does it actually have any real-world benefit?