Being able to engrave metal was one of the main reasons, why I got a laser cutter. In this instructable I am going to show you some of my experiences. Laser marking and laser engraving are extremely accurate and clean ways to process metal.
Etching and engraving with the laser are contact-free processes, so the surface is not damaged. For bare, uncoated metals, a fiber laser is used for best. Typical applications for laser marking of metals include product .
Lasers have been used for many years to mark and engrave metal to achieve great. Both soft metals like aluminum and hard metals like steel or hard alloys can be marked accurately, highly legibly and quickly using a laser engraving machine. Consistent, high quality are guaranteed by using lasers for metal.
W Laser Engraving Machine. W Mini Laser Engraving Machine Metal Steel Iron Stone Engraver DIY Printer. Learn more about what sets us apart from the competition. Laser heats the material, causing oxidation under the surface and turning the material black.
It applies low temperatures to metal to anneal the surface.
All of this is done while leaving the surface intact. These include laser-sensitive polymers and novel metal alloys. The term laser marking is also used as a generic term covering a broad spectrum of surfacing techniques including printing, hot-branding and laser bonding. The machines for laser engraving and laser marking are the same, so that the two terms are sometimes . There is hardly any kind of metal that is not capable of being laser marked or laser engraved.
Equally comprehensive are the processing procedures that are used for the identification and engraving of metals: They range from annealing and black marking to simple and three-dimensional engraving. Even metal surfaces can now be engraved and marked with COlasers thanks to a simple process. The laser engravers of eurolaser create gravures with high resolution and detailed markings due to the colour-oxidation process. The simple process can be carried out in just a few work steps and can be used with such . Read about engraving metal with a laser including processes, uses and applications. This is an article from global manufacturers SPI Lasers about laser engraving.
Laser metal marking with an Epilog Laser metal marking system. Mark and etch stainless steel , brass, copper, and many more metals. Barcode Laser Engraving Systems. Laser engrave your barcodes, serial numbers, and logos with an Epilog.
How does engraving metal work? Different processes are used depending on . By laser – engraving steel , manufacturers have the ability to produce higher-quality products in less time.
These processes are ideal for companies involved in many different industries. At OR Laser, we have the expertise and knowledge necessary to assist a variety of different types of manufacturing companies with various .