Purchase colour fans, cards, charts, books and swatches online. High quality, colour matched touch up pots. Detailed information for each RGB color. Includes conversions, schemes and much more.
Cellulose, Pack and Synthetic available. Tikkurila combines the traditions of paintmaking with the latest technological achievements and environmental awareness.
The consistently high quality of products and services . See what people are saying and join the conversation. Perfectly matched color every time. Color Gel Coat is UV resistant, blister resistant, weatherable, and has excellent application properties.
Pick your desired color and we will mix your batch of premium color gel coat! WARNING: RAL is an internationally recognized color . Many other materials can also be painted with the ml tin preferred by many DIY enthusiasts. Viele RAL -Farben sind auf Monitoren und Druckern auf Grund der unterschiedlichen Gerätefarbräume nicht einheitlich darstellbar und nur .
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