Trade up contract

With the Operation Bravo update, the Arms Deal Contract was renamed to Trade Up Contract and was expanded to allow weapons from any collection. Mixing weapons from different collections is also allowe provided the skins used for the input are at the same tier. The resulting weapon skin will be randomly chosen from . The trade up contract allows players to trade normal or StatTrak weapon skins of the same weapon quality from any collection for new weapon skin of the next highest grade tier chosen randomly from one of the collections used.

Select weapons: Quality: Consumer Grade, Industrial Grade, Mil-Spec Grade,.

Start now with the Trade Up Contract in CSGO! Our TOOL will show you the most profitable trade ups! Find the best TRADE UPS now! So I had this weird dream last night about a trick to get the skin that you want from the Trade Up Contract.

Welcome to the Trade Up Contract simulator. Choose weapon rarity which you want to craft. Exchange: items of the same Collection and of identical quality.

Receive: item from that Collection and of the next higher quality. Counter-Strike Global Offensive trade up contract simulator including float values. Simulate contract without having to own every skin in the game. This guide will be about some research I did regarding profit in low-medium risk trade up contracts.

I always struggled to find a suitable tool to completely simulate CSGO trade up contract and its outcome. Hey guys, CS:GO noob here. The Trade Up Contract is an item, given to every player by default.

It is represented in the inventory by a document on white paper with a series of tables inscribe overlaid by a pen. As the title says, I do not want to waste my time selling graffiti for $ 0. So a Trade – up Contract for the same will do the trick. Edit: An Option to delete them will be highly appreciated!

What are Trade Up Contracts ? Which weapon skins can be used in Trade Up Contracts ? Medium-Risk ($15USD-$30USD) Medium Risk Trade – Up contracts are generally Purple-Pink, or sometimes StatTrak Purple-Pink. Contracts The StatTrak USP-S Orion Trade-Up Collection: The Huntsman Collection Skins Required 10x of any Restricted StatTrak, generally Minimal Wear or Factory New.

This app simulates Trade – up contract from one popular title. User is able to select any weapon from any tiers. One feature that makes us special is that we have all tiers, from consumer grade to covert. The main idea is to choose weapons from the same tier, choose condition and add them into contract.

Here we want to introduce You with Trade – up feature. You will find the information about how does the trade – up feature work, why it is. Subcordate Jan familiarised optically and causelessly, but computational Keil ruttings her stattrak ak fire serpent trade up contract in csgo. The comment from GiantTree is correct, however I am answering here so the question can be closed and to give a more specific answer.

Industrial will give you a Mil-Spec, Mil-Spec . Trade up Contracts give out skins based on what skins you put in.